Lucas Flint

Writer of superhero and LitRPG fiction. For film and TV inquires, email


Mysteries of the Merge: The Handmaiden of the Merge

Hello again! We’re back, this time going beyond good and evil to delve into the deeper mysteries of the Merge, starting with perhaps the most enigmatic character in the series, the Handmaiden of the Merge. Here’s what we know about her so far:

Age: Unknown

Personality: Obsessive to the point of compulsion; has a god complex the size of the multiverse

Powers: Unknown, though reality-warping appears to be one of them

Quote: “It’s the beginning of the end, naturally. The very end of everything anyone has ever known. The multiversal apocalypse. And I am its chosen Handmaiden, destined to bring it about and conclude the chaos of the multiverse itself.”

The Handmaiden is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. Her mere existence is in doubt, as are the extent of her powers.

From what little is known about her, however, she appears to be served by a man in a hood who seems to be an Anomaly hunter of sorts.

But is the Handmaiden a friend? Or a foe?

You will only find out in The Merge #1: Unity, which you can preorder on Amazon HERE!

On Monday, you will get to meet a possible ally (or servant?) of the Handmaiden, the Anomaly-hunting Hooded Man.


Lucas Flint

Lucas Flint

Lucas Flint writes superhero fiction as an indie author.

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