Lucas Flint

Writer of superhero and LitRPG fiction. For film and TV inquires, email

Book NewsSerial

NOW ON ROYAL ROAD: Read The Merge BEFORE it releases on Amazon (but only until March 30th!)

The Merge #1: Unity is on track to be released on Amazon on Monday, March 31st!

But have you ever wanted to read the book ahead of time?

Well, now you can, as I am publishing The Merge as a web serial on the web fiction serialization platform RoyalRoad for the month of March! With nine chapters already posted, you can expect to read a new chapter every day at 11:00 AM CST!

But most of the chapters will only be live on RoyalRoad until Sunday, March 30th, at which point I will take them down to keep compliant with Amazon’s ebook exclusivity requirements.

In the meantime, however, check out The Merge on RoyalRoad HERE!


Lucas Flint

Lucas Flint

Lucas Flint writes superhero fiction as an indie author.

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