Villains of the Merge: Dr. Stephen Physic

Hello! I hope you have been enjoying the character bios and introductions so far, especially Brainstorm’s. Now get ready to meet another antagonist, Dr. Stephen Physic:
Age: 44
Personality: Skittish and constantly worried bordering on anxiety, but highly intelligent as well
Powers: None
Quote: “Would have been even longer if the Deacon hadn’t intervened and stopped that Paradigm brat before he broke my precious machines.”
Dr. Stephen Physic is the head scientist and physicist at the Destiny Corporation, answering directly to Richard Plutarch on a variety of technological and scientific endeavors that the Destiny Corporation is involved in. He is in charge of the Research and Experimental Science Division, where much of the Corporation’s experimental technology is tested before being released to the general public.
He and Mark Wright, Justin’s dad, were actually roommates in college, where they had a strong scientific rivalry from the start. But whereas Mark became the superhero Brainstorm after graduating, Dr. Physic went on to work for multiple companies before being hired by the Destiny Corporation. His research into opening portals to other universes especially interested Plutarch, which was the main reason he got the job.
Unlike Brainstorm, Dr. Physic is unmarried and has no family to speak of other than a mother in Wisconsin who he hasn’t spoken to in years. He is much more comfortable around his machines than around people and cares more about his precious inventions than about people, which may be why he fits in so well among the general amoral ethos of the Destiny Corporation as a whole.
While not the most important character in the story, Dr. Physic’s knowledge and expertise in experimental physics plays an important role in the background of the story. To find out how, preorder The Merge #1: Unity on Amazon HERE, releasing Monday, March 31st.
In the next post, I want to introduce you to Fireworks, another superhero and one of the heroes of the story, though quite a mysterious one. You will see what I mean you learn about his story on Monday.
Lucas Flint