Lucas Flint

Writer of superhero and LitRPG fiction. For film and TV inquires, email


Welcome to my website

Hi there,

My name is Lucas Flint. Or technically, it’s Timothy L. Cerepaka. Lucas Flint is just a pen name that I use for my superhero fiction. Ordinarily, I write epic fantasy/sword and sorcery under my real name, which you can find out more about here.

Anyway, this website will be primarily used as a place to announce new releases, as well as news about deals and anything else relevant or interesting to my Lucas Flint pen name. It won’t have a whole lot to it aside from that, but if you leave comments on any of the posts or pages, I will definitely see them and respond to them if necessary, so don’t be afraid to comment if you want to do that.

At the moment, there are currently no books published under the Lucas Flint pen name. But the first book to be published under the pen name, The Superhero’s Test, is scheduled for a summer 2016 release in ebook and trade paperback from Annulus Publishing.

If that interests you, please subscribe to my mailing list by either typing your email address into the box on the right side of the screen or clicking this link HERE to go directly to the sign up page. Newsletter subscribers are always the first to know about my new releases, as well as special deals and other content exclusively for them. My newsletter really is the best way to stay on top of my newest releases, so I highly recommend signing up.

That’s pretty much it. There isn’t much else to this site at the moment (although I will be doing a writing challenge in late April/early May here, so stay tuned for that), but if you have any thoughts to share anyway, feel free to comment below or contact me directly via my Contact page.



Lucas Flint

Lucas Flint writes superhero fiction as an indie author.